Friday, August 13, 2010

Turn Signals

You know those levers on the left-hand side of your steering wheel that move up and down?  They're called TURN SIGNALS, and guess what, they're not just there for looks!  I started driving at the tender age of 16, and 10 years later, I still don't understand why people refuse to use these fascinating little devices.  You may be thinking, what a petty topic of conversation, but this is something that really chaps my hide on a daily basis. 

Turn signals are a key part of driving.  You can't pass your driver's license test if you don't know how to use them.  So where did we go awry; how did we become so lazy?

What I really want to know is, are the rest of us supposed to just guess that you will be turning as you're flying down the street at 50 plus miles per hour?  I mean, as a norm, I am already an anxious driver, especially when other cars are behind know, that feeling like, "crap, I probably could have gone ten times!"  Well the feeling is worsened when I'm sitting at a stop sign, apparently left my ESP at home, and then I'm ridiculed when realizing that I ACTUALLY COULD HAVE GONE 10 TIMES!

The worst thing of all is when you get cut-off by someone who is "too good for turn signals."  If you're going to send me to near-death by a concrete median, the very least you could do is warn me!  Anyways, I feel better for getting this off of my chest (and yes, Mom, I still have a chest even after getting all this off of it!).  If you are one of those who just isn't in the groove of kicking the stick when you're going left or right, PLEASE reconsider!

Until the next Sarcastic Sunday, keep the comments coming...

Yours truly,

Kerri J.   


  1. hmmmmm..... you know what I agree with your blog. it just makes sense!

  2. I totally agree too! Another thing that really makes me mad is people do not know how to turn properly. You know the whole right to right and left to left? They will be in the left hand turn lane and turn right into the right lane cutting you off!

  3. That pisses me off too. I often call out to these offenders that it's a crying shame their brand new vehicles didn't come equipped with luxury items like turn signals! Unfortunately it seems that we are in the minority because my daily commute is filled with near misses because of idiots on the road that can't be bothered to use them and force me to rely on ESP and keen spidey senses. Thanks for posting!
